VAT Vakuumventile AG Jobs -
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Innovation war seit der Firmengründung vor 50 Jahren stets die treibende Kraft bei VAT. Dies hat uns zum weltweit führenden Unternehmen für Vakuumventile und Vakuumdichttechnologie gemacht. Dieser Pioniergeist motiviert uns täglich mit Begeisterung unseren Kundenansprüchen gerecht zu werden. Zusammen mit unseren Mitarbeitenden stehen wir für Leidenschaft, Innovation und Qualität.

Die VAT hat ihren Hauptsitz in Haag (Schweiz) und beschäftigt weltweit ca. 2 000 Mitarbeitende. Sie verfügt über Produktionszentren in Haag (Schweiz), Penang (Malaysia) und Arad (Rumänien) sowie eine Produktionsstätte in Xinwu (Taiwan).
Innovation war seit der Firmengründung vor 50 Jahren stets die treibende Kraft bei VAT. Dies hat uns zum weltweit führenden Unternehmen für Vakuumventile und Vakuumdichttechnologie gemacht. Dieser Pioniergeist motiviert uns täglich mit Begeisterung unseren Kundenansprüchen gerecht zu werden. Zusammen mit unseren Mitarbeitenden stehen wir für Leidenschaft, Innovation und Qualität.

Die VAT hat ihren Hauptsitz in Haag (Schweiz) und beschäftigt weltweit ca. 2 000 Mitarbeitende. Sie verfügt über Produktionszentren in Haag (Schweiz), Penang (Malaysia) und Arad (Rumänien) sowie eine Produktionsstätte in Xinwu (Taiwan).


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Projektleiter Standort- und Infrastrukturentwicklung, m/w/d (100%)

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 12.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Das Team Schweiz in Haag sucht Sie: Projektleiter Standort- und Infrastrukturentwicklung, m/w/d (100%) Ihre Aufgaben Projektentwicklung: Sie entwickeln Bau- und Infrastrukturprojekte gemeinsam mit internen Stakeholdern und externen Planungsbüros. Konzeptentwürfe erstellen und Raumplanung mit externen Planungsbüros Raum- und Konzeptplanung: Erstellung von Entwürfen, Raumkonzepten und Steuerung der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Partnern. Bauterminplanung in Abstimmung mit dem laufenden Betrieb und der Zielvorgabe Genehmigungsverfahren : Verantwortung für Baugenehmigungen in enger Abstimmung mit Behörden und Fachplanern. Submissionsverfahren und Auftragsvergaben mit dem zentralen Einkauf Termin- und Ablaufplanung: Erstellung realistischer Zeitpläne unter Berücksichtigung laufender Betriebsprozesse. Technische Planung: Koordination der Detailplanung in den Gewerken Bau, HLKS, Elektro, Reinraumtechnik und Brandschutz. Vergabe und Bauleitung: Durchführung von Submissionsverfahren, Vergaben in Zusammenarbeit mit dem zentralen Einkauf und Leitung der Bauphasen mit Fokus auf Termine, Kosten und Qualität. Übergabe: Sicherstellung einer reibungslosen Abnahme, Bearbeitung von Mängeln und Übergabe an die Nutzer. Pikett-Dienst: Unterstützung im Team für technische Alarme und Notfälle. Ihr Profil Ausbildung und Erfahrung: Abgeschlossene Ausbildung in einem Bau- oder Ingenieurberuf, ergänzt durch Weiterbildung im Projektmanagement und mehrere Jahre Berufserfahrung. Analytische Fähigkeiten: Sie überzeugen durch konzeptionelles Denken und strukturierte Herangehensweise. Soft Skills: Verhandlungsgeschick, Durchsetzungsstärke und Kommunikationsfähigkeit zeichnen Sie aus. Sie schätzen Flexibilität und sind offen für neue Erfahrungen. Sprachkenntnisse: Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift. Eine Bereitschaft zur Weiterbildung wird begrüßt. Wir bieten Vielfältige Projekte: Spannende und innovative Bauvorhaben in einem dynamischen Arbeitsumfeld. Persönliche Entwicklung : Umfangreiche Einarbeitung, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und die Chance, Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Motiviertes Team: Kollegiales Arbeitsklima mit flachen Hierarchien und schnellen Entscheidungswegen. Attraktiver Standort: Arbeiten Sie in einer Region, die Lebensqualität mit beruflichen Perspektiven verbindet. Unternehmerischer Einfluss: Gestalten Sie aktiv die Zukunft des Unternehmens mit Ihren Ideen.
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

IT Operations Engineer

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 10.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Das Team Schweiz in Haag sucht Sie: IT Operations Engineer Als IT Operation Engineer sind Sie die erste Anlaufstelle für unsere internen Benutzer bei technischen Fragen und Problemen. Sie leisten professionellen Ist- und teilweise 2nd-Level-Support und tragen entscheidend zum reibungslosen Betrieb unserer IT-Infrastruktur bei. IHRE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN Annahme und Bearbeitung eingehender Supportanfragen per Telefon, E-Mail und Ticketsystem. Identifizierung, Diagnose und Lösung von technischen Problemen im Ist Level und 2nd Level Bereich. Durchführung von Softwareinstallationen, Updates und Konfigurationsänderungen. Zusammenarbeit mit dem 2nd- und 3rd-Level-Team und anderen IT-Abteilungen bei der Problemlösung. Dokumentation von Problemlösungen und Wissensmanagement. WAS WIR BIETEN Eine kollaborative, offene Arbeitsumgebung, die Wert auf Ihre Ideen und Beiträge legt. Ein wettbewerbsfähiges Gehaltspaket mit zusätzlichen Leistungen. Flexible Arbeitszeiten, inklusive Homeoffice-Möglichkeiten. Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten und Karriereentwicklung innerhalb des Unternehmens. Ein engagiertes und unterstützendes Team, das gemeinsam Erfolge feiert. 27 Tage Urlaub IHRE KOMPETENZEN Erfahrung im IT-Support, insbesondere im Ist Level. Fundierte Kenntnisse in Windows sowie den gängigen Office-Anwendungen. Ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeit und freundliches, serviceorientiertes Auftreten. Belastbarkeit und die Fähigkeit, effektiv Prioritäten zu setzen. Schnelle Auffassungsgabe und die Bereitschaft, sich ständig weiterzubilden und zu entwickeln. Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme am Bereitschaftsdienst. Nice to have Erfahrung mit Dynamics AX/D365 Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (ERP) ITIL Service Management (Problem/Incident Management)
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Supply Chain Planner

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 09.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


As a Supply Chain Planner at VAT, you will coordinate planning activities for our advanced vacuum technology material. Your role involves close collaboration with customer order and production planning, ensuring timely procurement, monitoring delivery dates, managing inventory, and maintaining material master data in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Furthermore, you will be responsible for operational performance management with our supply base in close collaboration with our strategic category management. Your tactical and analytical skills, coupled with your experience in supply planning and procurement, will be crucial in supporting our mission to deliver innovative and high-performance vacuum technology solutions. YOUR CHALLENGES: Coordination of planning activities: Plan and coordinate supply activities for our vacuum technology materials. Close cooperation with order and production planning: Collaborate with order and production teams worldwide and coordinate supply to global manufacturing sites. Timely procurement of products: Ensure timely procurement of materials from suppliers. Purchasing: Perform daily checks and release planned purchase orders. Follow up on delivery date confirmations for unconfirmed purchase orders. Delivery dates coordination and monitoring: Coordinate, monitor, and ensure compliance with confirmed delivery dates on the supplier side. Supplier performance management: Continuously monitor operational supplier performance metrics. Identify and implement improvement needs and measures jointly with the supplier. Timely update of supplier confirmations and commit delivery dates in Dynamics 365. Master data cleanliness: Ensure and maintain material master data correctly displayed in Dynamics 365. Inventory optimization: Manage stock levels, availability and calculate/optimize inventory parameters as such material management methods, min, max and reorder point levels. Active participation in process optimization: Engage in process optimization projects within supply chain planning. Expedite purchase order/escalation management: Align and prioritize with suppliers in case of urgent material needs (e.g., urgent orders, quality issues, etc.). YOUR COMPETENCES: Higher education with a focus on supply chain planning, procurement and logistics or equivalent 3 years of professional experience in a comparable position, ideally in supply planning and procurement Familiar with inventory management, reporting, KPIs, etc. Very good user knowledge of MS Office products, especially Excel; experience with ERP systems (ideally Microsoft Dynamics 365, Finance and Operations) Strategic, analytical, process-oriented thinking, and structured work Independent, flexible, and persistent personality with assertiveness, negotiation skills, and organizational talent Experience in project management is an advantage Very good German and good English skills, both written and spoken
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Design Engineer

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 09.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Das Team Schweiz in Haag sucht Sie: Design Engineer, Business Unit ADV, 100% Als Mitglied in der Business Unit Advanced Industrial sind Sie für die Entwicklung von Produkten für den weltweiten Vakuummarkt verantwortlich. Gemeinsam mit den Produktmanagern, Projektleitern, Projekteinkäufern und den Qualitätsingenieuren führen Sie die Produktentwicklung zu einem technischen und wirtschaftlichen Erfolg. IHRE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN Weiterentwicklung von bestehenden Produkten, kundenspezifischen Lösungen und Übernahme der technischen Verantwortung für Produktlinien Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Produktmanagement, Einkauf, Qualitätstechnik und unseren Vertriebsgesellschaften Planung und Unterstützung bei der Durchführung von Versuchsaufträgen zur Verifizierung und Qualitätssicherung Aktive Mitarbeit in Entwicklungs- und Verlagerungsprojekten Erstellung und Pflege von Fertigungszeichnungen, Stücklisten sowie technischen Unterlagen Überprüfung und Optimierung der Herstellbarkeit mit interner und externer Fertigung, Qualitätsingenieuren der Lieferanten und Projekteinkäufern Technische Unterstützung bei Qualitätsproblemen für alle zugewiesenen Produkte IHRE KOMPETENZEN Lehre als Konstrukteur/in, Polymechaniker/in oder ähnliches Gute Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache in Wort und Schrift Teamfähigkeit und eine selbstständige, zuverlässige Arbeitsweise
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Projekt Leiter im Bereich Site Support (Schwerpunkt Industrialisierung)

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 09.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%Führungsposition

Festanstellung 100%



Das Team Schweiz in Haag sucht Sie: Projekt Leiter im Bereich Site Support (Schwerpunkt Industrialisierung) IHRE AUFGABEN Verantwortlich für die Implementierung von CAPEX Projekten und Industrialisierungstechnologien für das Stammwerk der VAT in Haag. Leiten und koordinieren Sie Projekte zur Industrialisierung von Produktionsprozessen. Arbeiten Sie eng mit den Fachbereichen zusammen, um Prozessabläufe zu analysieren und zu optimieren. Gewährleisten Sie eine angemessene Einführung, Schulung und Qualifizierung der Mitarbeiter im Bereich Industrialisierung. Unterstützen Sie die Erreichung der vereinbarten Bereichs- und Projektziele, insbesondere in Bezug auf Kosteneinsparungen und Qualitätsverbesserungen. IHRE QUALIFIKATIONEN Abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung im Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Industrialisierung oder ähnlichen relevanten Bereichen. Fundierte Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Lean-Werkzeugen und Prozessoptimierung. Berufserfahrung im Industrieumfeld mit Schwerpunkt auf Industrialisierung. Erfahrung in der erfolgreichen Abwicklung von Optimierungs- und CAPEX- Projekten. Erfahrung in Microsoft Dynamics 365 ist von Vorteil. Ausgeprägte analytische und strukturierte Denkfähigkeiten im Hinblick auf Prozesse und Industrialisierung. Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift sowie gute Englischkenntnisse. Fähigkeit zur effektiven Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Teams und Fachbereichen. Fähigkeit, selbstständig zu arbeiten und innovative Lösungen im Bereich Industrialisierung voranzutreiben.
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Projekt Leiter im Bereich Site Support (Schwerpunkt Digitalisierung)

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 09.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%Führungsposition

Festanstellung 100%



Das Team Schweiz in Haag sucht Sie: Projekt Leiter im Bereich Site Support (Schwerpunkt Industrialisierung) IHRE AUFGABEN Verantwortlich für die Implementierung von CAPEX Projekten und Automatisierungstechnologien für das Stammwerk der VAT in Haag. Leiten und koordinieren Sie Projekte zur Digitalisierung und Automatisierung von Produktionsprozessen. Arbeiten Sie eng mit den Fachbereichen zusammen, um Prozessabläufe zu analysieren und zu optimieren. Gewährleisten Sie eine angemessene Einführung, Schulung und Qualifizierung der Mitarbeiter im Bereich Digitalisierung und Automatisierung. Unterstützen Sie die Erreichung der vereinbarten Bereichs- und Projektziele, insbesondere in Bezug auf Kosteneinsparungen und Qualitätsverbesserungen. IHRE QUALIFIKATIONEN Abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung im Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Automatisierungstechnik oder ähnlichen relevanten Bereichen. Erfahrung in der Anwendung von digitalen Technologien und Automatisierungslösungen in der Industrie. Fundierte Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Lean-Werkzeugen und Prozessoptimierung. Berufserfahrung im Industrieumfeld mit Schwerpunkt auf Automatisierungslösungen. Erfahrung in der erfolgreichen Abwicklung von Optimierungs- und CAPEX- Projekten. Erfahrung in Microsoft Dynamics 365 ist von Vorteil. Ausgeprägte analytische und strukturierte Denkfähigkeiten im Hinblick auf Prozesse und Automatisierungslösungen. Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift sowie gute Englischkenntnisse. Fähigkeit zur effektiven Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Teams und Fachbereichen. Fähigkeit, selbstständig zu arbeiten und innovative Lösungen im Bereich Digitalisierung und Automatisierung voranzutreiben.
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

HR Specialist

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 08.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Exciting News! Our HR Service Team is Growing! Are you passionate about people and ready to make a real impact? We're expanding our HR Service team and looking for dynamic individuals to join us on this incredible journey. As an HR Service / Document Specialist, you'd be responsible for managing various aspects of human resources services within a global organization, ensuring compliance with Swiss labor laws and regulations. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIES: Handling employee inquiries and concerns, providing guidance on HR policies and procedures, and resolving queries that arise in the workplace. Coordinate the lifecycle of HR documents from creation to archival or disposal, ensuring compliance with retention schedules and legal requirements. Conducting new hire orientations and ensuring a smooth onboarding process for new employees. Managing employee records, updating HR databases, and maintaining accurate and up-to-date employee information. Identifying opportunities to streamline HR processes and documents, enhance system functionality, and improve overall efficiency and effectiveness. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as legal, compliance, and IT, to ensure alignment of document management practices with organizational goals and regulatory requirements. Communicate effectively with stakeholders to address their document management needs and concerns. KEY EXPERIENCES: HR admin and operations Document management and compliance System integration and workflow automation Employee relations and communication Project management and continuous improvement COMPETENCIES: Strong communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills proficiency in both English and German, any other language is a plus Completed or on-going training in HR and/or social security Profound experience in HR administration Advanced knowledge of Swiss labour and social security law in an international environment Very good IT skills in the MS Office suite and in an ERP, preferably SuccessFactors/SAP Analytical, process-orientated thinking for ongoing digital transformation Ability to build and maintain good relationships within the HR team and our multicultural organization Reliable, independent, solution- and service-oriented person with a proactive, accurate and efficient way of working
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Team Leader Supply Chain

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 08.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%Führungsposition

Festanstellung 100%



YOUR CHALLENGES Supply Chain Strategy: Develop and implement an effective supply chain strategy that aligns with the company's goals and objectives, considering both project and serial production requirements. Procurement and Vendor Management: Source and manage suppliers to ensure a consistent supply of raw materials, components, and parts necessary for valve production. Negotiate contracts and agreements to secure favorable terms. Production Planning: Collaborate with production teams to create detailed production plans, ensuring that all metal valves are manufactured in a timely manner while maintaining high-quality standards. Demand Forecasting: Utilize historical data, market trends, and customer demand to forecast all metal valve requirements accurately. Adjust production plans accordingly to meet changing demand. Inventory Management: Maintain optimal inventory levels to minimize carrying costs while ensuring product availability. Implement efficient inventory control measures and cycle counting procedures. Quality Control: Establish and enforce strict quality control processes to ensure that all metal valves meet or exceed industry standards and customer expectations. Logistics and Distribution: Manage the logistics and distribution network to optimize transportation, reduce lead times, and ensure on-time delivery of all metal valves to customers, including project sites. Cost Optimization: Continuously identify cost-saving opportunities within the supply chain, such as process improvements, supplier negotiations, and inventory reduction strategies. Compliance and Regulations: Stay informed about industry regulations, certifications, and quality standards relevant to all metal valves. Ensure compliance throughout the supply chain. Team Leadership: Lead and develop a team of seven supply chain professionals, providing guidance, coaching, and performance feedback. Cross-functional Collaboration: Collaborate with other departments such as engineering, sales, and finance to align strategies and achieve company-wide objectives. Risk Management: Identify and mitigate risks in the supply chain, including disruptions, supplier issues, and market fluctuations. YOUR COMPENTENCIES Bachelor's degree in supply chain management, business administration, or a related field. Master's degree or professional certifications (e.g., APICS, CSCP) is a plus. Minimum 5 years of experience in supply chain management within the manufacturing industry, preferably in high mix / low volume manufacturing or a related field in semiconductor. Strong leadership and team management skills. Proficiency in supply chain software and tools, including ERP systems. Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. Knowledge of international trade and customs regulations is beneficial. Willingness to travel (20%)
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

HR Coordinator

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 03.01.2025

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Exciting News! Our HR Service Team is Growing! Are you passionate about people and ready to make a real impact? We're expanding our HR Service team and looking for dynamic individuals to join us on this incredible journey. MAIN ROLE AND ACTIVITIES Team Coordination Oversee and support the HR Services team, ensuring delivery of daily business. Foster collaboration and provide guidance on best practices for service delivery. Ensure team alignment with transformation initiatives and organizational objectives. Stakeholder Engagement Partner with HR leadership and business units to understand needs and deliver tailored solutions. Communicate project updates, timelines, and challenges effectively to stakeholders. Act as a liaison between HR Services, HRIT, and other related functions. Project Management Deliver HR transformation projects from initiation to completion, ensuring alignment with organizational goals. Coordinate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders to ensure project milestones are achieved. Process Improvement Analyze current HR service processes to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement. Redesign workflows to enhance speed, accuracy, and user experience. Implement automation and digital solutions to streamline operations. Change Management Execute change management plans to ensure smooth adoption of new processes and technologies. Train and support HR Services team members on updated workflows and tools. Gather feedback and refine implementation based on user input. KEY EXPERIENCES Degree in HR, Business Administration, Project Management or related field 5+ years in HR services or shared services, with at least 3 years in an international environment. Proven experience in implementing HR systems and tools. Demonstrated success in managing projects and team coordination. Ability to analyze data and processes to identify improvement opportunities. Skilledin addressing challenges and implementing effective solutions. COMPETENCIES Strong knowledge of Swiss labor laws. Strong understanding of HR processes and best practices. Excellent project management skills, including planning, execution, and stakeholder communication. Ability to analyze complex problems and develop innovative solutions. Proficiency in HRIS systems; knowledge of SAP SuccessFactors is an advantage. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, in German and English (any other language is a plus) and excellent interpersonal skills.
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Development Engineer

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 24.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Development Engineer, Corporate R&D Advanced Design As part of the R&D Advanced Design team, you will develop breakthrough design concepts beyond today's product offering. You will collaborate with multiple disciplines such as simulation, technology, project buyers, and external competence partners to drive innovation and ensure the successful implementation of cutting-edge solutions. YOUR CHALLENGES Development of innovative products and cutting-edge technologies for VAT Development and implementation of related test setups and measurements Performing first lab-based experiments to prove concepts Handle uncertainties in early development phases Close collaboration with internal and external competence partners Design to cost in collaboration with project buyers Active participation and contribution to our competence communities YOUR COMPETENCIES Bachelor or master degree in mechanical, mechatronic, or systems engineering Strong passion for developing mechanical and mechatronic products and sub-systems Enthusiastic about creating concepts and prototyping mechanical or mechatronic products Proficient in CAD, preferably Siemens NX and Ansys Discovery for live simulation Skilled in developing and conducting experiments and measurements Experience in setting up measurements and experiments, with Beckhoff TwinCAT experience being advantageous Solid knowledge base in thermodynamics and thermal applications Several years of professional experience, preferably in the semiconductor industry Hands-on, innovative, and independent working style Fluent in English; German proficiency is preferred
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Product Manager WPS

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 23.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


About the Role VAT is seeking an experienced and visionary Product Manager to join our Semiconductor division. The ideal candidate will possess deep expertise in the Semiconductor industry and a forward-looking perspective on challenges and opportunities in cutting-edge applications. This role encompasses full responsibility for a dedicated product portfolio, from strategy development to achieving business plan goals. You will oversee the product life cycle, including new product development, product sustainment, and phase-out processes. We are looking for a candidate with a proven track record of addressing leading-edge technical challenges in the Semiconductor market, coupled with strong business acumen and the ability to foster customer trust and loyalty. Your ability to provide data-driven solutions to complex challenges and to translate market and customer requirements into actionable, ambitious strategies is crucial to this role. YOUR CHALLENGES Support the sales team in addressing all technical and operational requirements, ensuring seamless communication with the customer (an OEM company) and effective problem resolution. Monitor profitability of the OEM account and derive measures in order to sustain and increase the profitability. Conduct and manage CIP and value engineering projects of customer products including efforts to achieve the required annual cost down targets. Drive the implementation of corporate strategies across a global, cross-functional, matrixed team. Analyze the technical roadmap of OEM to identify current and future product needs, ensuring the protection and expansion of VAT’s global market share. Monitor SEMI market developments and requirements which influence the future of semiconductor product solutions. Lead customization and industrialization efforts, maintaining strict adherence to technical standards. Prepare comprehensive documentation for customers, including manuals and data sheets, in compliance with European machinery directives. Manage changes within the supply chain, manufacturing, and assembly processes, ensuring alignment with change management protocols (e.g., CE!, CEx, and POR). Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to drive product innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. YOUR COMPETENCIES Master’s degree in sciences, engineering, or a related field, with specialization in semiconductor engineering highly preferred, PhD is advantageous. Additional degree in economics and / or marketing or successful track record in a commercial position is advantageous. Extensive experience in product and account management within matrix organizations. Proven success in sales and customer relationship management, particularly in B2B component settings within the Semiconductor industry. Solid experience in managing international customers and projects. Exceptional strategic, analytical, and problem-solving abilities, with a strong background in business development. Expertise in managing advanced technology projects in complex, global environments. Fluent in English; proficiency in German is highly desirable. Ability to translate technical requirements into innovative strategies that align with business objectives. Strong communication skills to effectively liaise with stakeholders at all levels. High focus and awareness for just-in-time delivery and quality. Ability to work in a matrix organization. Know-how of Semiconductor market and the relevant processes preferable. Knowledge about CE! and POR process or APQP and PPA process knowledge in the automotive industry is preferred. Knowledge about ISO class directives for Semiconductor components. 15% international travel required.
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Product Manager BU Advanced Products

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 23.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


VAT’s Business Unit Advanced Products is the home base for newly developed products in VAT’s adjacent market areas. The latest innovation in pulsing valves for ALD is currently being ramped up at our customers. ALD is becoming one of the most important process steps in the manufacture of advanced electronic components. VAT aims to become one of the major subsystem and component suppliers to the ALD tool industry. We are looking for you to join our highly motivated team in Haag, Switzerland: Product Manager BU Advanced Products (80-100%) YOUR CHALLENGES Owning the interface with defined SEMI OEMs regarding all commercial and technical aspects of VAT’s new gas delivery product portfolio. Drive innovation by collaborating closely with the engineering team to solve complex customer problems and define the roadmap to expand VAT's product portfolio in the gas inlet area. Manage the product life cycle during all phases (product development, phase-in, CIP’s, customization, phase-out, pricing, training, marketing documentation). Identify and analyze market trends and customer technical roadmaps to adapt VAT's product offerings and drive future product requirements. Monitor profitability of the OEM accounts and product line, deriving measures to sustain and increase profitability. Support the sales entities of VAT group in customer acquisition, product presentations, and negotiations. Train sales engineers and customers, establish technical customer documentation as manuals and product data sheets. YOUR COMPETENCIES Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, physics or similar, master’s degree is advantageous. Additional degree in business, marketing or innovation development or proven track record in a commercial role. Strong knowledge of mechanical and electrical systems and/or experience in gas inlet dynamics preferred. Product development and product management experience in the semiconductor industry is an advantage. Strong entrepreneurial and strategic thinking, analytical and communication skills to structure and influence discussions within the team as well as with senior management and stakeholders. Profound experience of the sales process (mechanisms) of high-tech components in a highly consolidated market environment on a global scale. Knowledge of the semiconductor market and the relevant WFE manufacturing processes. Solid experience in managing international projects. Fluent business English skills written and spoken. Fluency in German is of high advantage. Willingness to travel internationally (approx. 10%).
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Application Engineer

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 23.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Application Engineer VAT is seeking a talented and experienced Application Engineer with deep expertise in the semiconductor industry and a visionary perspective on future challenges in cutting-edge SEMI applications. This role involves implementing the strategy for the N+2 Product roadmap by translating future market needs into technology and product development requirements. The ideal candidate has a proven track record of addressing advanced technical challenges in the semiconductor market. You possess strong business acumen, demonstrate problem-solving thinking, and excel in building and maintaining customer trust and loyalty. You are adept at providing data-driven solutions to complex problems and are enthusiastic about working with and further developing a globally matrixed team of engineers and product managers. YOUR CHALLENGES • Interact cross-functionally with local sales, product management, engineering, corporate R&D to ensure alignment with customer’s requirements • Support the business development activities by identifying future trends, defining new products and technologies with the objective to maximizing sales and market share • Develop project proposals tailored to customer or industry demands • Drive and assist technology and product development initiatives • Assume full responsibility for defining and managing product requirements • Monitor industry news and competitive landscape, analyze market data to identify new product opportunities, acting strongly on the technical level and identifying future trends at the customer processes & equipment • Identify and clarify customer’s technical requirements and understanding product requirements (e.g. in technology review meetings) • Support execution of marketing strategy and technical marketing campaigns • Drive and conduct regular sales and FAE training YOUR COMPETENCIES • Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in sciences, engineering or similar discipline • Profound knowhow in Semiconductor equipment and leading-edge chip manufacturing processes • Proven record of business development and application know-how in the Semiconductor industry • Ability to manage leading edge technology projects in a global matrix organization for global customers • Excellent problem-solving skills • Fluent in English including presentation skills
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VAT Vakuumventile AG

Customer Order Planner

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 22.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


The Customer Order Planner at VAT, you proactively identify and resolve bottlenecks in the supply chain and production processes, ensuring timely scheduling of assembly orders and accurate on-time delivery in our supply chain operations for our advanced vacuum technology products, including valves, chambers, and modules. You collaborate closely with key stakeholders, including production, logistics, extended supply chain organization, business units, and sales - to align solutions and prioritize orders when resources are constrained. By maintaining proactive communication with internal stakeholders about order statuses and potential delays, you strive to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction throughout the order fulfillment process. YOUR CHALLENGES: Initial Shipment Date Confirmation: Collaborate with business units, sales and production teams to confirm realistic shipment dates, ensuring that customer expectations are met. Daily Evaluation of New Orders: Perform daily checks of new customer orders, aligning with procurement and other interfaces to ensure timely and customer-requested order processing. Scheduling and Releasing Assembly Orders: Coordinate with production planning to efficiently schedule assembly orders, aligning with production capacity and customer requirements. Firm and release planned production orders within Microsoft Dynamics 365, taking responsibility for factory output for dedicated product lines. Identifying and Resolving Bottlenecks: Proactively identify potential bottlenecks in the supply chain or production processes and develop solutions to mitigate delays, ensuring smooth order fulfillment. Alignment and Prioritization with Stakeholders: Work closely with key stakeholders - including production, logistics, procurement, business units, and sales teams - to align solutions and prioritize orders, especially when resources are constrained. Order Management and Monitoring: Continuously monitor customer orders with a focus on timely execution. Adjust to customer requirements and coordinate with relevant interfaces regarding any delays or changes. Operational Key Performance Monitoring: Monitor customer-related key performance indicators such as on-time delivery, order backlog, product lead time and others. Utilize Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP system to track orders, update statuses, and maintain transparency. Sales Order Lead Time Management: Regularly monitor and update sales order lead times. Identify opportunities for improvement and implement strategies to shorten lead times. Supply Chain Concept Adjustment: Continuously re-evaluate and adjust the initial New Product Introduction (NPI)-based supply chain concept to optimize efficiency and adapt to changing conditions. Control Tower Process Ownership: Own the execution and monitoring processes of the Control Tower for upstream supply chain activities, ensuring effective oversight and coordination. Customer Satisfaction Focus: Strive to meet or exceed customer expectations by ensuring timely product delivery and prompt resolution of any issues that may arise during the order fulfillment process. YOUR COMPETENCIES: Higher education with a focus on order management, production planning, and logistics or equivalent. Several years of professional experience in a comparable position, ideally in production planning and customer order management. Familiarity with backlog management, reporting, KPIs, etc. Very good user knowledge of MS Office products, especially Excel; experience with ERP systems (ideally Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations). Strategic, analytical, process-oriented thinking, and structured work. Independent, flexible, and persistent personality with assertiveness, negotiation skills, and organizational talent. Experience in project management is an advantage. Very good German and good English skills, both written and spoken.
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Supply Specialist

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 22.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Our team in Haag, Switzerland is looking for you: Supply Specialist As a Supply Specialist at VAT, you play a crucial role in our supply chain operations, particularly focusing on the New Product Introduction (NPI) processes for our advanced vacuum technology products, including valves, chambers, and modules. Your main responsibilities include managing the initial purchases of new parts for NPI, encompassing cost and inventory management. You conduct initial evaluations to identify the best-fitting supply chain concepts for specific products to ensure optimal integration into our operations. You coordinate interface support with internal and external stakeholders - such as suppliers, project managers, engineers, and product managers - to ensure seamless information exchange and timely deliveries. This involves setting up relevant logistics master data to effectively integrate NPI into regular Material Requirements Planning (MRP) calculations. YOUR CHALLENGES Supplier Setup and Initial Purchasing: Manage the initial procurement of new parts required for NPI processes, including cost and inventory management. Supply Chain Concept Evaluation: Evaluate and identify the best-fitting supply chain concepts for products to ensure optimal integration. Interface Coordination: Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure seamless information exchange and timely deliveries. Master Data Management: Set up relevant logistics master data to integrate NPI into regular Material Requirements Planning (MRP) calculations. Order Evaluation and Shipment Confirmation: Evaluate NPI orders and confirm shipment data to ensure on-time delivery. NPI Product Approval Workflow Management: Manage and execute the NPI Product Approval Workflow related to Dynamics 365. Stakeholder Alignment: Collaborate with suppliers, project managers, engineers, and product managers to ensure alignment on schedules and requirements for NPI projects. Operational Efficiency Enhancement: Identify and implement opportunities to improve supply chain processes related to NPI, focusing on increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Risk Management: Assess potential supply chain risks in NPI processes and develop mitigation strategies to prevent disruptions. Performance Monitoring: Track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) related to NPI activities to ensure objectives are met and identify areas for improvement. Regulatory Compliance and Documentation: Ensure all supply chain activities comply with company policies and customers regulatory requirements, maintaining accurate records and documentation. YOUR COMPENTENCIES Higher education with a focus on procurement, project management and supply chain operations or equivalent. Several years of professional experience in a comparable position, ideally in project procurement and supply chain. Familiarity with supply chain concept setup with focus on cost of goods sold and multi-source strategies Very good user knowledge of MS Office products, especially Excel; experience with ERP systems (ideally Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations). Strategic, analytical, process-oriented thinking, and structured work. Independent, flexible, and persistent personality with assertiveness, negotiation skills, and organizational talent. Experience in project management is an advantage. Very good German and good English skills, both written and spoken.
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Product Manager

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 22.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


About the Role VAT is seeking an experienced and visionary Product Manager to join our Semiconductor division. The ideal candidate will possess deep expertise in the Semiconductor industry and a forward-looking perspective on challenges and opportunities in cutting-edge applications. This role encompasses full responsibility for a dedicated product portfolio, from strategy development to achieving business plan goals. You will oversee the product life cycle, including new product development, product sustainment, and phase-out processes. We are looking for a candidate with a proven track record of addressing leading-edge technical challenges in the Semiconductor market, coupled with strong business acumen and the ability to foster customer trust and loyalty. Your ability to provide data-driven solutions to complex challenges and to translate market and customer requirements into actionable, ambitious strategies is crucial to this role. YOUR CHALLENGES Support the sales team in addressing all technical and operational requirements, ensuring seamless communication with the customers (OEMs companies) and effective problem resolution. Monitor profitability of the OEM account and derive measures in order to sustain and increase the profitability. Conduct and manage CIP and value engineering projects of customer products including efforts to achieve the required annual cost down targets. Drive the implementation of corporate strategies across a global, cross-functional, matrixed team. Analyze the technical roadmaps of OEMs to identify current and future product needs, ensuring the protection and expansion of VAT’s global market share. Monitor SEMI market developments and requirements which influence the future valve business. Lead customization and industrialization efforts, maintaining strict adherence to technical standards. Prepare comprehensive documentation for customers, including manuals and data sheets, in compliance with European machinery directives. Manage changes within the supply chain, manufacturing, and assembly processes, ensuring alignment with change management protocols (e.g., CE!, CEx, and POR). Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to drive product innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.). YOUR COMPETENCIES Master’s degree in sciences, engineering, or a related field, with specialization in semiconductor engineering highly preferred, PhD is advantageous. Additional degree in economics and / or marketing or successful track record in a commercial position is advantageous. Extensive experience in product and account management within matrix organizations. Proven success in sales and customer relationship management, particularly in B2B component settings within the Semiconductor industry. Exceptional strategic, analytical, and problem-solving abilities, with a strong background in business development. Expertise in managing advanced technology projects in complex, global environments. Fluent in English; proficiency in German is highly desirable. Ability to translate technical requirements into innovative strategies that align with business objectives. Ability to work in a matrix organization. Knowledge about CE! and POR process or APQP and PPA process knowledge in the automotive industry is preferred. Knowledge about ISO class directives for Semiconductor components. 15% international travel required.
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Microsoft D365 Functional Consultant Quality

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 22.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Microsoft D365 ERP Functional Consultant (Quality), m/f/d (100%) YOUR CHALLENGES In charge for project deliverables for Quality processes including the following D365 areas First Article Inspection, Incoming Inspection, In-Process Inspection. Strong knowledge in adcejent D365 modujles required. Procurement and Sourcing: Link incoming quality checks with supplier deliveries. Inventory Management: Ensure defective goods are quarantined and tracked. Production Control: Integrate quality checks directly into production routes. Act as the main responsible person and project manager for these areas Handle projects throughout the whole lifecycle (from the first project brain-storming through the implementation until training) Identify business needs and develop concepts Solution design Configure Requirements for development team Documentation & training YOUR COMPETENCIES Solid experience (min 3 years) as MS D365 ERP Functional Consultant (Order Management, Warehousing, Outbound(Pack&Ship) Solid experience (min 3 years) in managing international projects Work independently and as self-starter with ability to handle multiple tasks and shifting priorities Business Analysis / Requirements Engineering Strong Team Player Ability to delegate work to sub-teams Planning and coordinating projects Diligence in Concept Design and Process Modeling A high level of personal motivation and a strong ability to communicate at all levels Management skills (in terms of planning and coordinating projects) Solves complex problems with creative solutions Think clearly and calmly under pressure Strong English skills
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Microsoft D365 Functional Consultant Finance

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 22.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Microsoft D365 ERP Functional Consultant Finance, m/f/d (100%) YOUR CHALLENGES In charge for deliverables for Finance processes based on the following D365 modules Cost accounting/calculation, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Management, General Ledger, Cost Management, Fixed Assets(Books, Depreciation), Production control, Project Management & Accounting, Report/KPI. Act as the main responsible person and project manager for these areas Handle projects throughout the whole lifecycle (from the first project brain-storming through the implementation until training) Identify business needs and develop concepts Solution design Configure Requirements for development team Documentation & training YOUR COMPETENCIES Solid experience (min 3 years) as MS D365 ERP Functional Consultant (Order Management, Warehousing, Outbound(Pack&Ship) Solid experience (min 3 years) in managing international projects Work independently and as self-starter with ability to handle multiple tasks and shifting priorities Business Analysis / Requirements Engineering Strong Team Player Ability to delegate work to sub-teams Planning and coordinating projects Diligence in Concept Design and Process Modeling A high level of personal motivation and a strong ability to communicate at all levels Management skills (in terms of planning and coordinating projects) Solves complex problems with creative solutions Think clearly and calmly under pressure Strong English skills
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Teamleiter Tooling/Assembly

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 20.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%Führungsposition

Festanstellung 100%



Das Team Schweiz in Haag sucht Sie: Teamleiter:in Produktionsbereich vulkanisieren – Werzeugunterhalt und Montage (1-3 Schicht) In unserer dynamischen Arbeitswelt suchen wir nach einer begeisterungsfähigen, selbstständigen Persönlichkeit, die nicht nur konsequent in ihren Entscheidungen ist, sondern auch über Empathie und ein natürliches Gespür für Menschen und Situationen verfügt. Mit Ihrer überzeugenden Art schaffen Sie es, Teams zu motivieren und Herausforderungen effektiv zu meistern. Wenn Sie es verstehen, gegebenen Möglichkeiten und sich selbst immer wieder neu hinterfragen, Verantwortung übernehmen, sind Sie die ideale Ergänzung für unser Team ab Januar 2025 an unserem Hauptsitz in Haag. Ihre Aufgaben Personelle und fachliche Führung der Mitarbeiter:innen im 1-3 Schichtbetrieb Sicherstellung einer effizienten und qualitativ hochwertigen Produktion im Bereich Werkzeugunterhalt, Spezialteileherstellung und Montage unter strikter Einhaltung der Produktions- und Qualitätsstandards Erhalt und Weiterentwicklung der Fähigkeiten und Flexibilität der Mitarbeiter:innen Sicherstellung und Schulung der Prozesse, Qualitätsstandards und gesetzlichen Sicherheitsanforderungen Erstellung und Aktualisierung von Produktionsdokumentationen in Zusammenarbeit mit den zuständigen Stellen Steuerung und Verwaltung der Kapazitäts-, Termin- und Einsatzplanung der Produktionsaufträge Erste Instanz um bei Abweichungen die entsprechenden Schritte einzuleiten bezüglich Anlagen- , Qualitäts- oder Materialproblemen Ihre Qualifikationen Eine vierjährige technische Berufsausbildung (Polymechaniker oder ähnliches), eine Weiterbildung als Prozessfachmann:frau oder Techniker:in HF ist von großem Vorteil Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Führung von Teams mit bis zu 8-12 Mitarbeiter:innen in einem industriellen Umfeld gesammelt haben Analytische und kombinatorische Fähigkeiten zur Fehleranalyse und Problemlösung haben Sehr gute MS Office und ERP-Kenntnisse, mit Vorteil Microsoft Dynamics (D365) besitzen Perfekte Kommunikation in Deutsch, mündlich und schriftlich Englischkenntnisse sind ein Vorteil Sehr gute interkulturelle Kommunikations- und Konfliktfähigkeiten besitzen Sie sind eine dynamische, begeisterungsfähige, selbstständige Persönlichkeit, die nicht nur konsequent in ihren Entscheidungen ist, sondern auch über Empathie und ein natürliches Gespür für Menschen und Situationen verfügt. Mit Ihrer überzeugenden Art schaffen Sie es das Team zu motivieren und Herausforderungen effektiv zu meistern.
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Project Manager Engineering

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 20.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Our team in Haag, Switzerland is looking for you: Project Manager Engineering As part of the Corporate R&D team, you will lead strategic relevant projects. You will lead such projects in close collaboration with our business development managers and customers. Join VAT and be a part of the team that drives the transformation to a global player in vacuum solutions. In this exciting role you`ll be in touch with the entire chain from core technologies to functional groups, components and sub-systems YOUR CHALLENGES Executing innovation projects based on VAT`s product strategy Lead of technology, product and sub-systems development, with key focus on innovation Coordination with product management and field application engineering to evaluate the customer’s needs best possible Interdisciplinary teamwork with design, lab engineers, simulation, scientists, project buyer, quality and operation in an agile way Collaboration with external competence partners Presentation of project progress in the frame of VAT innovation boards based on project content, project costs and project timeline Further development of internal project management processes, methodologies and systems YOUR COMPETENCIES Completed education as engineer of applied sciences Specialization in mechanical / mechatronics engineering Several years of work experience as a project manager in product development Active and resilient personality Strong analytical skills & ability to communicate Ability to work with uncertainty Negotiating skills in the languages German and English (fluent in spoken and written) Willingness to travel Work experience in vacuum technology / semiconductors highly desirable You have a proven track record in product development and are highly motivated to work in project management. You are used to working with uncertainty and are proactive. You have strong teamwork skills and are interested in interdisciplinary interface functions.
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Product Quality Engineer

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 20.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Our team in Haag, Switzerland is looking for you: Product Quality Engineer, m/f/d (100%) You support the product management and are responsible for the definition of all quality-relevant requirements for new as well as existing products. YOUR CHALLENGES Coordination and processing of customer complaints Quality responsibility for innovation and relocation projects, in particular breaking down customer requirements into quality plans, monitoring O-plan elements (in process check, initial sample inspections, traceability, Q-evidence documents, etc.) Responsible for the execution of D-FMEA Support in P-FMEA Support in change requests Execution of internal and external audits Execution of quality training Further development and improvement of processes Support product management during customer visits and customer audits YOUR COMPETENCIES Completed education as a quality specialist / quality manager Bachelor degree in electrical and/or mechanical engineering Basic technical education with solid work experience Several years of experience in quality management, customer complaints and advance quality planning Knowledge of quality tools such as FMEA, Ishikawa, 3-legged 5 why, Fishbone diagram, SPC, etc. Systematic, methodical and solution-oriented approach to work High grade of independence Willingness to expand knowledge Ability to work in a team Very good knowledge of written and spoken German and English Good computer skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) What you can expect A modern and successful company where innovation, courage, fairness, openness and transparency are encouraged and your ideas are welcome. Demanding and varied field of activity in which you can develop Good onboarding and a motivated team so that you are successful and have fun Flat hierarchies and short decision paths
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Development Engineer - Control Systems

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 19.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Our team in Haag, Switzerland is looking for you: Development Engineer – Control Systems (100%) The manufacturing of a high-end microchip requires over 1000 production steps. Vacuum valves are considered to be a critical component as they are in proximity to the semiconductor wafer and have impact on the process performance. Semiconductor fabs like Intel, Samsung or TSMC have increasing expectations to productivity and production yield. These fabs are increasingly using data generated along the manufacturing process to improve production performance. Smart, connected vacuum components are required for smart semiconductor manufacturing fabs enabling predictive maintenance, increasing performance and productivity. The technological advancements in the semiconductor industry and scaling to nano-meter structures requires high precision and efficient control of the gas pressure in the process chamber. To develop the required control technology, we are looking for an experienced engineer with passion for control theory and system modelling. YOUR CHALLENGES Development of novel and highly differentiated process control algorithms based on nonlinear control & machine learning methods for fast processes using VAT’s existing gas delivery and process control technology Technical project leadership: Definition and alignment on specifications with key stake holders, concept creation, development and testing in rapid prototyping system and functional verification using the final products Develop, perform and document experiments (DoE) including results in organized and structured way Cooperate among cross-functional teams of experts within VAT R&D organization and external technology partners Occasional on-site support of newly developed applications/products at customer site. YOUR COMPETENCIES Engineering Degree (MSc or PhD) in mechanical or electrical engineering, control engineering, mechatronics or similar 3+ years’ experience in developing advanced control algorithms for industrial applications and their modelling using Matlab Simulink is necessary Practical experience with deploying control systems on actual hardware is also required Practical experience with C/C++ coding is desired Knowhow in fluid dynamics and vacuum systems is advantageous Hands on, systematic approach, creative thinker with problem solving skills and team spirit
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Development Engineer - Automation and Control

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 17.12.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Our team in Haag, Switzerland is looking for you: Development Engineer – Automation and Control (100%) YOUR CHALLENGES The manufacturing of a high-end microchip requires over 1000 production steps. Vacuum valves and gas flow control devices are considered to be critical components as they are in proximity to the semiconductor wafer and impact the process performance. Semiconductor fabs like Intel, Samsung or TSMC have increasing expectations for productivity and production yield. These fabs are increasingly using data generated along the manufacturing process to improve production performance. Smart, connected vacuum components are required for smart semiconductor manufacturing fabs enabling predictive maintenance, increasing performance and productivity. The technological advancements in the semiconductor industry and scaling to nano-meter structures requires high precision and efficient control of the gas pressure in the process chamber. To develop and test the required control technology, we are looking for an experienced engineer with passion for automation and control systems. In addition your responsibilities are: Design and build automated test benches for process control using VAT’s gas flow control technology Development of advanced control algorithms for fast and efficient gas pressure control Develop, perform and document experiments (DoE) including results in organized and structured way Cooperate among cross-functional teams of experts within VAT R&D organization and external technology partners Occasional on-site support of newly developed applications/products at customer site. YOUR COMPETENCIES Engineering Degree (MSc or PhD) in mechanical or electrical engineering, control engineering, mechatronics or similar Strong skills and knowledge in control system theory and automation 3+ years of industry experience in design and implementation of (semi or fully) automated testing setups Experience with PLC programming, e.g. Beckhoff, Siemens or similar automation software Programming skills in Matlab Simulink or Python Work experience in vacuum technology / semiconductors beneficial Hands on, systematic approach, creative thinker with problem solving skills and team spirit
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG

Project Manager Engineering

  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 27.11.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


Our team in Haag, Switzerland is looking for you: Project Manager Engineering YOUR CHALLENGES Lead and manage cross-functional project teams within a matrix organization structure (no direct reports). Oversee end-to-end project delivery, ensuring alignment with global account objectives. Create and maintaining an innovative working environment that encourages teamwork, learning agility, and individual contributions. Facilitate effective collaboration among team members from different business units and locations, ensuring alignment with the overall goals of the global accounts. Serve as the key point of contact for global account managers, ensuring seamless communication and alignment. Act as a liaison between the team and key stakeholders both internal and external ensuring clear communication, and understanding of project objectives and priorities. Promote a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging the team to regularly reflect on their processes and outcomes and implement improvements accordingly. Identify and mitigate risks that may impact the success of the product development process, ensuring that the team is proactive in addressing challenges. YOUR COMPENTENCIES At least 5 years’ experience in planning of customer forecast, market intelligence and/or S&OP process Working knowledge and understanding of ERP/MRP systems and their use in a manufacturing environment Proficiency in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access Ability to demonstrate solid written and oral communication skills Good analytical problem solving ability Languages: English language (German is beneficial)
Inserat ansehen


VAT Vakuumventile AG


  • VAT Vakuumventile AG

  • 9469Haag

  • 19.11.2024

  • Festanstellung 100%

Festanstellung 100%


IHRE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN Beschaffung von Material intern / extern Planung und Optimierung von Produktionsaufträgen Erfüllung der Kundenwunschtermine Kostenreduktion und Lageroptimierung Beiträge zu Verbesserungen (KVP) Koordination zwischen Abteilungen und Lieferanten Beschaffung notwendiger Komponenten und Baugruppen Erstellung von Fertigungsaufträgen und Bestellungen Einplanung Aufträge unter Berücksichtigung von Kapazitäten und Verfügbarkeit Überwachen von Lieferterminen, Kosten und Lagerentwicklung Erstellen und nachverfolgen von Abweichungsaufträgen Erfassung und Pflege von Stammdaten und OP-Plänen Schnittstelle Kommunikation zur Produktion und interner / externer Ansprechpartner Administrative Aufgaben für Vorgesetzte IHRE KOMPETENZEN Technische oder Kaufmännische Grundausbildung, Weiterbildung z.B. als Prozessfachmann wünschenswert Berufserfahrung als Produktionsplaner / Disponent / Einkauf Flexibilität und Einsatzbereitschaft sowie Team- und prozessorientiertes Denken Selbständige und genaue Arbeitsweise sowie sehr gute Organisationsfähigkeit Zuverlässigkeit, Motivation an Planungstätigkeiten und Kommunikation, Freude neues zu lernen Sehr gute PC-Kenntnisse (MS Office insbesondere Excel, PSS, Dynamics 365, Power BI) Sehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse (Niveau B1) in Wort und Schrift Einhalten von Arbeitssicherheit
Inserat ansehen